Maps & Facts™ invites users to browse and to obtain information about Maps & Facts™ products and services and to communicate with Maps & Facts™ professionals. The content, including maps and text within, is copyrighted, and Maps & Facts™ grants a limited license to consumers to download or print out pages from the website strictly for individual use only, not for any commercial purpose.
The materials, including without limitation, text, graphics, charts, photographs, and maps found at and are original copyrighted materials owned by Maps & Facts™. These materials are protected by federal law against unauthorized copying and reproduction. The copyright is registered, and Maps & Facts™ shall seek recovery of actual or statutory damages (up to $100,000 per work infringed), recovery of all its attorney fees, and other remedies in the event it is forced to protect itself against infringements.
Maps & Facts™ will make reasonable attempts to provide accurate and current information on its mapping services and other aspects of the company's business via and ; however, Maps & Facts™ is unable to represent or warrant the accuracy of such information as of the time when it is accessed be the user and the content is made available at the user's own risk. Neither Maps & Facts™ nor any party involved in creation, production, or delivery of information and materials via or shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising from the user's access, use, or inability to access or use the contents of or or for any errors or omissions included therein.
Maps & Facts™ maintains its internet site as a service to internet users. Access and use of and are subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and to all applicable laws regarding the use of the internet generally, and involving copyrighted materials. Specifically, Maps & Facts™ reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions for access to and from time to time in its sole discretion by updating this posting.